At MK Logitec,
we focus on human resource development.


Recruitment and training of New Graduates

Since 2015 we have been hiring new graduates.
We have an extensive training program for employee, especially for new graduates
it takes about 3 months including lectures and practical training.



Childcare / Nursing care Support

All employees can take childcare leave and also nursing care leave when they need.



Regular visits by industrial physicians

For every employee’s physical fitness and mental health,
we have a program of industrial physicians’ regular visits.



Employees’ cafeteria for relaxing space

Every employee can use this cafeteria not only for lunch but also relaxing in break time.
And also employees can get lunch box from our vendor with reasonable price.



Technical intern trainees from overseas

We have been accepting technical intern trainees since November 2012. Currently, we have a technical intern from Indonesia who is undergoing a 3-year technical internship.



Diversity and inclusion

Employees at MK Logitec, their age is from teens to sixties, male and female,
are working together at same workplace.